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CHAPTER ONE1.0 INTRODUCTION1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The popularity of fast food is indicative of changing lifestyles, the growingtrend of convenience and consumers needs for value for money.Despite all the threats that fast food industry is currently facing like risingcommodity prices, an excessive supply of fast food outlets, in the market, loadshedding and hygiene scandals, the fast  food  industry is still shaving remarkablegrowth. There is a perceived increase in the number of fast food restaurants thatcrop up in every city and township in Nigeria. Thus suggesting that the sector isgaining acceptance among customers (Salami and Ajobo, 2012).Fast foods save house hold much time and physical energy after a long workingday, and with fast food to rely on, experienced consumers such as young singleswho cater for themselves, no longer require cooking skills to put meals on the table(Caraher, et al, 1999; Marshall, 2005). As business activities in Nigeria becomes increasingly complete, individualsare constantly been kept away from home in their struggle for daily bread. Theseindividuals possesses their distinct demographic characteristics which through thisstudy the impact will be observed on the fast food industry. The complex businessactivities has resulted in the increase in fast food firms springing up in all nooks1
and crannies of our cities and town. This is done in order to satisfy the hunger andtaste drive of the work force, students, business men and women, travelers etc. Ofwhich   the   demographic   characteristics   of   customers   or   potential   customersintended to satisfy must be put in mind. This is why this study is focused on theimpact of Demographic characteristics on fast food industry in Nigeria. 

1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMIn an  attempt  of  having  a  competitive   edge   over   one another  in  the  fast  foodindustry, competitors are applying different marketing skills to neutralize the effortof the other. Some develop their strategy by reducing their prices to have a greatermarket share, others place their fast food firm in such a way that it can fit in withall demographic factors which is a great challenge. This has resulted into a greatproblem facing the sector.The   rising   cost   of   condiments   (salt,   pepper   and   so   on)   exert  a   negativeimpact on the consumer who has to pay high price in order to consume fast food.In addition, the rising cost of acquiring accommodation to start a fast food businesshas   significantly   affected   the   operators   of   this   industry   as   increasing   cost   ofaccommodation are been paid for indirectly by the consumers of the fast food.It is also observed that the age of consumers who frequent the fast foodrestaurant in diverse ways influence the patronage and this has to a great extentposed challenge in the fast food industry. Individuals, employed and unemployed2

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    Type Project
    Department Business Administration and Management
    Project ID BAM4935
    Fee ₦5,000 ($14)
    No of Pages 86 Pages
    Format Microsoft Word

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